Home FantomStarter (FS) Airdrop

FantomStarter (FS) Airdrop

Airdrop competition prize pool is worth 0.2% of FantomStarter’s token supply, which is 2,000,000 $FS tokens


FantomStarter FantomStarter Whitelist Airdrop competition prize pool is worth 0.2% of FantomStarter’s token supply, which is 2,000,000 $FS tokens, to be distributed evenly amongst all eligible winners.

In addition, there are 456 investment spots to be won in order to get Whitelisted to Participate in FantomStarter’s Public Sale.

About FantomStarter

FantomStarter is a multi-chain IDO platform, which helps approved projects raise funds through Fantom Opera chain. Its cross-chain interoperability provides projects with a choice of blockchains with operational support from the FantomStarter team across Fantom (FTM), Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum (ETH), and many other networks.

Não esqueça de curtir e comentar abaixo caso você tenha participado do  concurso FantomStarter Whitelist Airdrop !


Total Airdrop Allocation2,000,000 $FS
Whitelist Competition456 investment spots to be won

Value per user
