Home Hi (hi Dollars)

Hi (hi Dollars)

Hi Airdrop is worth 2.5 hi Dollars tokens (~$ 0.62) daily for answering a question. Earn an extra 1.25 hi Dollars tokens (~$ 0.31) every day for each friend you refer.


hi Reserve Limited (“Hi”) and its affiliates are creating the hi platformwith the aim to bring an innovative range of mobile and online financial services to eligible users, leveraging blockchain technology. hi intend to operate across the globe, with a strong focus on financial inclusion, security and compliance.

hi is not just a digital banking platform, but also a wallet supporting the most popular cryptocurrencies. Easy to use, yet safe and secure, hi is driving mass adoption of crypto and blockchain technologies. Members will get free access to digital services and exclusive offers with merchants.

hi Dollars (ticker: Hi) are intended to be an integral feature of hi, supporting swift and secure transactions. You can now get hi on Whatsapp!

Value per user
