Clipper Coin Capital Price Update
Clipper Coin Capital’s current price, at the time of this writing, is $0.01829 USD, down by approximately 0.71% from the day prior. Clipper Coin Capital enters the day 12.26% above its 20 day moving average, but is experiencing its the 2nd day in a row down. In terms of an expected trading range, the Bollinger bands on Clipper Coin Capital suggest price may bounce between $0.011908 and $0.020677 based on its momentum and volatility over the past 14 days. Price’s current proximity to the top of the range may make shorting an attractive opportunity to traders interested in trading the range.
The currency’s market cap currently stands at $64 million US dollars.
Straight Off the Chain
Yesterday we did not see any transfers amongst holders of Clipper Coin Capital. As for the number of holders, yesterday saw the number of wallets holding Clipper Coin Capital decline by 0. To provide context, we’d rank this token as 28 out of the 34 Ethereum tokens in our index based on percentage growth in engagement over the past 7 days.
How are the Strong Holders of Clipper Coin Capital Faring?
The top 1,000 Clipper Coin Capital wallets hold over 98.03% of the token’s total money supply. If we focus on exchanges, which may be an correlated with liquidity and greater confidence in the currency, the exchange wallets that are in the top 1,000 wallets own 0.07% of the currency’s total money supply. In terms of growth rates, the share of total supply of the richest 1,000 wallets has grown by 0% over the past week. For the exchange wallets within the richest 1,000 wallets, their share has grown by 0%.
Clipper Coin Capital’s Social Media Presence
Traders interested in following Clipper Coin Capital has the biggest presence on Facebook, where it has 0 users engaged.
Article by SixJupiter