BAGS Token |
BAGS Token Airdrop is worth 70 BAGS tokens (~$ 1.60).
About BAGS token
BAGS token is UPCYCLING BAD tokens into GOOD ones. Upcycling is all about taking something unwanted or without value and turning it into something that people want. With BAGS, upcycling means taking low-value tokens, mostly from abandoned projects, and giving crypto traders something new in return, the BAGS token.
BAGS token will have its progressive deflationary system, a yearly halving deflationary burn fee for transactions over 10 tokens. For the first year, every transaction with an amount larger than 10 BAGS tokens will burn 2% for the transaction. In the second year, the deflation fee will halve to 1%. In the third year, it will halve again to 0.5%. In the fourth year, it will halve yet again to 0.25% and then it will stay fixed at 0.25% forever. BAGS is being traded at ForkDelta.
We labelled this airdrop with ''Unverified'' label due to limited public information team.