Price Action
In the week prior, the price for aelf went down by -0.57%. It is above its 20 day moving average by 3.09%, so it’s fairly close. aelf’s bullish momentum, determined by its distance from its 20 day moving average, is roughly middle-of-the-pack relative to the cryptos we’re tracking. In terms of volatility, aelf exhibits greater price volatility than approximately 29% of coins in our index, so it’s notably less volatile than the other cryptocurrencies we’re monitoring. Looking ahead, if the upcoming week mirrors the volatility of three past three weeks, the price range for aelf in US dollars is expected to be between $0.1840937 and $0.2225563.
Where to trade Aelf (symbol: ELF): Gate, Binance, DDEX, Ethfinex
Volume Update
In the week prior, the daily volume for aelf has ranged between 2,756,131 and 16,033,893 currency units. In the three weeks prior, volume has trended downwards, but price has gone in the opposite direction — up. The past 7 days saw aelf’s trading turnover — meaning the percentage of its available supply that was traded — come in at 1.98%. Its trading turnover percentage is higher than about 56% of the coins we’re tracking, so it’s middle-of-the-pack; investors/traders may thus wish to consider their liquidity requirements to make sure the coin matches their needs and their expected trading volume.
Engagement Update
The number of wallets holding aelf went from 51,068 to 50,368 in the past week, marking a change of -1.37%. And in regards to cumulative transactions logged on the blockchain, they went from 318,760 to 323,333, which amounts to a change of 1.43%. This translates to a combined engagement growth rate of 0.06% for aelf — which is higher than 12.12% of the cryptocurrencies we’re reporting on. This could indicate that the coin’s usage is not growing much at all.
Technology Development Status
aelf currently has 16 public repos on GitHub, with the oldest one clocking in at 1.8 years young. Its most recent public update was within the past week which is not bad, as the coin is still being updated routinely. aelf’s public repos now have 634 which is about average compared to other similar coins; that’s more than approximately 56 % of coins in its index. The coin has 168 outstanding issues in the backlog awaiting to be addressed by the core development team. Relative to the number of watchers it has, though, its open issues count is a bit below average, and thus potentially concerning. We view the ratio of open issues on aelf’s GitHub repos relative to the number of developers who follow its repos as a way to quantitatively assess the health of a coin’s software development processes, and for aelf we see that it fares better than only 21% of the coins we group aelf in.
aelf News and Commentary
We found 2 links over the past week about aelf that we thought were especially worth sharing. Where available, we included a snippet of the article that we thought might be interesting.
Build a blockchain in 2 minutes with aelf enterprise — Part 1
The purpose of this article is to show you just how easy it is to build a blockchain (Part 1), run a smart contract and dApp (part 2), even with no developer knowledge through the aelf BYOB challenge….Now we get to the fun part and you will realize just how simple it is to build a blockchain on aelf!
AELF BUIDL Your Own Blockchain (BYOB) – Janez Novak
I would like to share my experience with AELF and hopefully it will help someone to complete all 4 tasks….The team is excited to bring to you aelf BYOB, in hopes that more developers and community members would try out building their own blockchain!
Where to Buy
You can trade Aelf, listed under the symbol ELF, through the following exchanges: Gate, Binance, DDEX, Ethfinex.
Article by SixJupiter