Price Action
Since last week, Enjin Coin’s price went down by -2.76%. It is below its 20 day moving average by 3.09%, so it’s slightly away. Enjin Coin’s bullish momentum, if assessed by its distance from its 20 day moving average, is pretty far negative compared to the other coins we’re covering, and thus may be due for a correction upwards or some kind of a period of low volatility. In terms of volatility, Enjin Coin exhibits greater price volatility than approximately 22% of coins in our index, so it’s notably less volatile than the other cryptocurrencies we’re monitoring. Looking ahead, if the upcoming week mirrors the volatility of three past three weeks, the price range for Enjin Coin in US dollars is expected to be between $0.1383782 and $0.1674618.
Where to trade Enjincoin (symbol: ENJ): Gate, Yobit, Stex, Binance, Ethfinex
Volume Update
In the span of the preceding 7 days, Enjin Coin’s daily volume, in terms of its own unit of currency, has fluctuated between 1,602,070 and 37,618,312. Over the past three weeks, the trend in volume does not have a clear direction, while the price trend is clearly down. The past 7 days saw Enjin Coin’s trading turnover — meaning the percentage of its available supply that was traded — come in at 2.38%. Its turnover rate is more than approximately 51.02% of the cryptocurrencies in our index, so it’s middle-of-the-pack; investors/traders may thus wish to consider their liquidity requirements to make sure the coin matches their needs and their expected trading volume.
Engagement Update
Over the past week, Enjin Coin saw its holders go from 29,141 to 29,481, an increase of 1.17%. In terms of blockchain-recorded transactions made by these wallets since their inception, that number changed from 474,336 to 483,736, which translates to growth of 1.98% for the week. Enjin Coin’s combined growth rate — meaning the sum of its growth rate in holders and transactions — is 3.15% which puts it ahead of 70.59% of the coins in our index. This could indicate that the coin’s engagement is growing at an above average rate.
Technology Development Status
At the moment, Enjin Coin has 10 repositories open to the public on GitHub, with the oldest one now being 1.82 years young. The last recorded update to its public repositories was within the past day, which is pretty good, as it suggests the coin is still under active and rapid technical development. Enjin Coin’s repos that are visible to the public collectively have 131 watchers — that’s more than approximately 42 % of coins in its index. The coin has 2 outstanding issues in the backlog awaiting to be addressed by the core development team. Its number of watchers, when viewed against its open issues count, doesn’t seem like something to worry about. To put the situation in context, Enjin Coin has a better issue/watcher ratio on its GitHub than 84% of similar coins we’re tracking.
Enjin Coin News and Commentary
We found one link over the past week about Enjin Coin that we thought was especially worth sharing. If possible we included a brief excerpt from the article — be sure to click through for the entire piece.
Arena Match Legendary Founder’s Bundle Enjin G
Key Extract:
Enjin Coin is a cryptocurrency created to give developers access to Enjin’s blockchain toolkit, which they can use to mint powerful ERC-1155 token items (like our skill challenge perks) that represent tangible and intangible assets….Play PC games to Win Cash Prizes with Arena Match real money #eSports challenges!
Where to Buy
You can trade Enjincoin, listed under the symbol ENJ, through the following exchanges: Gate, Yobit, Stex, Binance, Ethfinex.
Article by SixJupiter