Price Action
Over the past week, aelf saw its price go up by 0.38%. It is above its 20 day moving average by 2.84%, so it’s slightly away. aelf’s bullish momentum, based on its distance from its 20 day moving average, is roughly middle-of-the-pack relative to the cryptos we’re tracking. Regarding volatility, aelf is more volatile than roughly 52% of coins in our index, so it’s volatilty is about what you’d expect for a cryptocurrency in our index. Looking ahead, if the upcoming week mirrors the volatility of three past three weeks, the price range for aelf in US dollars is expected to be between $0.1807635 and $0.2344265.
Where to trade Aelf (symbol: ELF): Gate, Binance, DDEX, Ethfinex
Volume Update
In the span of the preceding 7 days, aelf’s daily volume, in terms of its own unit of currency, has fluctuated between 2,889,052 and 32,712,894. Over the past three weeks, the trend in volume,like the trend in price, is choppy and does not reveal a clear direction. Over the past week, aelf saw its trading turnover — which we define as average daily trading volume divided by circulating supply — register at 3.08%. Its turnover rate is more than approximately 59.18% of the cryptocurrencies in our index, so it’s middle-of-the-pack; investors/traders may thus wish to consider their liquidity requirements to make sure the coin matches their needs and their expected trading volume.
Engagement Update
aelf saw the number of wallets holding its coin go from 50,929 to 51,079 over the past week — a change of 0.29%. And in regards to cumulative transactions logged on the blockchain, they went from 316,537 to 319,469, which amounts to a change of 0.93%. The combined engagement growth rate (growth rate in holders plus growth rate in transfers) of aelf is thus at 1.22% which, relatively speaking, is ahead of 41.18% of the cryptocurrencies we’re tracking. One interpretation of this may be that the coin’s weekly growth in engagement is fairly mediocre.
Technology Development Status
aelf currently has 16 public repositories on GitHub, with the oldest one now 1.78 years young. The last recorded update to its public repositories was within the past week which is not bad, as the coin is still being updated routinely. aelf’s public repos now have 632 which is pretty good, relatively speaking; specifically, that’s more than 64 % of the top 100 coins we’re looking at. The coin has 163 outstanding issues in the backlog awaiting to be addressed by the core development team. Its number of watchers, when viewed against its open issues count, is a bit below average, and thus potentially concerning. We view the ratio of open issues on aelf’s GitHub repos relative to the number of developers who follow its repos as a way to quantitatively assess the health of a coin’s software development processes, and for aelf we see that it fares better than only 23% of the coins we group aelf in.
aelf News and Commentary
Over the past week, we found 2 links about aelf that we found especially interesting. If possible we included a brief excerpt from the article — be sure to click through for the entire piece.
Key Extract:
In order to ensure we can provide the most complete, secure and stable mainnet for our community and enterprises we have launched the Enterprise Beta Version of the aelf blockchain, allowing for live environment stress and security testing….With blockchain this issue is much more critical since the team cannot simply push an update out to all users (or in this case nodes)….Both blockchains allow interoperability, however Cosmos requires trusting the mainchain, while aelf does not.
Where to Buy
You can trade Aelf, listed under the symbol ELF, through the following exchanges: Gate, Binance, DDEX, Ethfinex.
Article by SixJupiter