Business platform backed by smart-contracts
ico symbol
ICO Price of Token
Start date
September 21, 2017
Closing date
October 12, 2017
Ties.Network is a decentralized social platform where business professionals can connect and strike business deals via smart-contracts in no time. The platform uses a trustworthy rating system, thus making sure all participants can focus solely on business and benefits of beneficial relationships, and leave the verification and trust issues to the platform’s integrated solutions. Ties.Network is based on TIES DB – a public, decentralized, and distributed noSQL database that allows to store huge amounts of dynamic data, and search within the content of the files. TIES DB is a public, open-source solution that can be utilized by other DAPPS and decentralized blockchain-related projects to facilitate their entering the market and structure large amounts of data.

Alexander Neymark – Founder, CEO
Dmitry Kochin – Founder, CTO, PhD
Anton Filatov – Head of Software Development
Natalia Tokar – Business Development Partner
Nicola Marangoni – Java developer, Big Data Expert
Hendry Rodriguez – Software developer
Rodrigo Acosta – Software developer
Ivan Vyatkin – Software developer
