October 21, 2019: Status Network Token (SNT): Down 0.32%; 2nd Consecutive Down Day

November 19, 2019: Status Network Token (snt): Down 0.71%
November 19, 2019: Status Network Token (snt): Down 0.71%

How Did Status Network Token’s Price Fare Yesterday?

Status Network Token is down by approximately 0.32% from the previous day, with its price currently hovering around $0.01241 USD. Status Network Token enters the day 4% below its 20 day moving average, and is experiencing its the 2nd straight day down. Status Network Token’s expected trading range — as forecasted by the Bollinger bands indicator, which determines a range based on momentum and volatility over the past two weeks — is between $0.012436 and $0.013417. Price’s current proximity to the bottom of the range may make buying an attractive opportunity to traders interested in trading the range.

October 21, 2019: Status Network Token (snt): Down 0.32%; 2nd Consecutive Down Day

The currency’s market cap currently stands at $43 million US dollars.

Update on Transactions and Holders

111 transactions amongst holders of Status Network Token occurred yesterday. In terms of estimating the number of holders, over the past day the total number of wallets holding Status Network Token has gone up by approximately 16. Our engagement rank, which combines weekly percentage growth in number of holders and number of transfers, has Status Network Token ranked 23 out of the 34 Ethereum tokens we’re tracking.

How are the Strong Holders of Status Network Token Faring?

In terms of wealth concentration, the richest 1,000 wallets own 96.16% of the coin’s total money supply. If we focus on exchanges, which may be an correlated with liquidity and greater confidence in the currency, the exchange wallets that are in the top 1,000 wallets own 12.03% of the currency’s total money supply. The week over week growth rate in the share of the total supply of the top 1,000 wallets has changed by 0%; as for the share of the total supply owned by exchange wallets within the top 1,000 wallets, that has changed by 0%.

Technical Development Status

Status Network Token hasn’t had any activity on any of its GitHub repos since October 20, 2019 — 1 days prior. Over the past 30 days, we’ve seen open issues across Status Network Token’s GitHub repositories grow by 0.03 per day on average, while the number of watchers has grown by 0.1.

What’s Going on Social Media?

If you are interested in following Status Network Token on social media, Twitter, where it has 110,976 following it, may be a good place to start. Here is the Twitter page for Status Network Token. October 21, 2019: Status Network Token (snt): Down 0.32%; 2nd Consecutive Down Day

Article by SixJupiter