Price Action
Since last week, Huobi Token’s price went down by -4.2%. It is above its 20 day moving average by 4.9%, so it’s slightly away. Huobi Token’s bullish momentum, determined by its distance from its 20 day moving average, is roughly middle-of-the-pack relative to the cryptos we’re tracking. Regarding volatility, Huobi Token is more volatile than roughly 64% of coins in our index, so traders can expect a bit more volatility than usual. Based on volatility over the past three weeks, we can expect Huobi Token to experience a price range in US dollars between 2.477743 and $3.604257.
Where to trade Huobi Token (symbol: HT): Gate, Yobit, DDEX
Volume Update
In the week prior, the daily volume for Huobi Token has ranged between 1,883,458 and 6,989,774 currency units. In the three weeks prior, the trend in volume is not clear, though price is marching upwards. Huobi Token experienced a turnover rate of about 8.79% over the past week, which means that is the percent of its available money supply that is traded daily. This turnover rate is higher than approximately 75.79% of the cryptocurrencies we monitor, which means it’s above average and thus will have enough liquidity for many investors/traders.
Engagement Update
The number of wallets holding Huobi Token went from 7,169 to 7,247 in the past week, marking a change of 1.09%. As for overall transactions, they increased from 251,771 to 257,449 — an increase of 2.26%. Huobi Token’s combined growth rate — meaning the sum of its growth rate in holders and transactions — is 3.35% which puts it ahead of 69.44% of the coins in our index. This could indicate that the coin’s engagement is growing at an above average rate.
Huobi Token News and Commentary
We found one link over the past week about Huobi Token that we thought was especially worth sharing. If possible we included a brief excerpt from the article — be sure to click through for the entire piece.
BitMart Lists Huobi Token (HT) & OKB (OKB) – BitMart Exchange
Where to Buy
You can trade Huobi Token, listed under the symbol HT, through the following exchanges: Gate, Yobit, DDEX.
Article by SixJupiter